Patient Privacy Policy • St Marks

Patient Privacy Policy

St Marks Orthodontic Practice takes the privacy of our patients and website users very seriously and we take appropriate measures to ensure we safeguard the privacy of any information we hold about you on record. This policy aims to explain how we protect and manage any personal information you share with us, including how we collect, process and share that information.

How we obtain your personal data and why

You provide us with personal data over the telephone, via referral letter from your dentist or via our website contact us section. This includes name, address and telephone numbers/email and details relating to your medical history. The collection and recording of the information noted here is essential for us to carry out your treatment effectively and safely, and to provide the best individualised service we can give. We operate a text reminder service to ensure regular progression of treatment.

Information passed to others

The personal and sensitive information we hold on record is not shared unless your permission has been given, Examples of when your information may need to be shared with a third party include:

  • Referral to an external specialist/consultant
  • With our software providers, for computer generated communications to you for appointment reminders.
  • With a debt collections agency, in the event of serious/longstanding debts.

In the event we are required to pass information to third parties, they are governed by the same General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) concerning the protection of your personal data.

How long do we keep this information about you?

We are required in the UK to hold dental records of adults for a minimum of 11 years or until age 25 in the case of children following last treatment.

You have the right of access to your own dental records under the Access to Health Records Act 1990. This covers all records held since November 1991. Requests of copies of your records must be made in writing to the practice, and your request will be dealt with within a 40 day period from the date the request is received and your identity has been formally checked. If you consider any part of your records to be incorrect, you have the right to request that they are amended and any dental terminology, abbreviations or technical wording used will be explained to you, should it be necessary.

Right to erasure

You will be entitled to request erasure from our records should you wish to request this (within the limits of the law that dictates we hold patients records for 11 yrs, post treatment/or to age 25). This would involve your data file being deactivated and therefore no further communications being made to you from the practice but your records remaining on file until the 11 year period elapses.

Important information

If you have any concerns which are not answered by this privacy policy, or have any concerns about how your data is stored please speak to member of staff at St Mark’s Orthodontic Practice.

  • I understand how my data is being used.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • If you wish to opt out of any communication / text reminders please print below.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY